WEEKLY ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ December 22, 2024:
If you are unable to hear today's message or the worship music clearly, we have Assistive Listening Devices. Please let the AV Team know that you would like one for the service today.
Bonnie Mitchell 12/06
Kara Beazley 12/13
Joan Downs 12/18
Mildred Riley 12/19
Amanda Johnson 12/29
Charlie Polizzi 12/31
The WPC is currently in need of diapers (all sizes), wipes, new baby clothes and unused blankets; donated supplies can be dropped off at the church. Thank you for blessing a family and sharing Jesus' Love...
Our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goal this year is $1,500. Pray about how God would have your give to support missionaries around the world this Christmas.
During the month of December our Sunday Worship services, and our Wednesday Adult Bible Study will all be held in the Historic Sanctuary starting December 8th.
Christmas Eve Candlelight service will be held in the Historic Sanctuary at 5pm. Invite your family and friends for a traditional Christmas Eve Service.
Nursery (ages birth through age 4), Glenda & Cooky, Teachers
Children (age 5 and up), Cassandra Mitchell & Bonnie Mitchell, Teachers-ed Adult & Middle/High School, Bill Mitchell, Teacher, Fellowship Hall
Joy Bunch Sunday (Senior Adult Ladies), Joan Downs, Teacher
Worship Hour Nursery – Nursery is provided during the Worship hour for children birth
through 5 years.
If you have an announcement for the weekly bulletin, please continue to submit it to the church office by noon each Wednesday. Sunday School Teachers please submit your weekly attendance to the Office by Monday morning. You can leave your Sunday roster in the church office mail slot. Team Leaders whenever you are meeting with your ministry team, whether in-person or by some other means, please let the office know of your ministry attendance.
On-Line Giving Instructions
On-Line Giving is available here on our Church website. Select the "Give" tab to access the secure donation link to donate. On-Line Giving will also be on your yearly giving statement. Giving On-Line helps to keep our Counting Team safe, requiring less handling of cash or paper from the offering plates. Tithes & Offerings can also be given each Sunday as you depart the Sanctuary in a new secure donation box or as you depart the church parking lot. Giving can also be mailed to the Church at Broad Run Baptist Church 5143 Broad Run Church Road, New Baltimore, VA 20187.
End of Year Giving: Tithes and Offerings for the 2024 giving year need to be posted by December 31, 2024. If you have any questions, contact the church office.
Broad Run Baptist Church is a qualified 501(c)(3) organization. All tithes, offerings, or donations of any kind are deductible under Internal Revenue Code section 170(c)(2). Unless otherwise noted and in an accordance with applicable IRS regulations, you agree to relinquish control of the donated funds or items to the discretion of Broad Run Baptist Church.